Make my own GFCF bread…?

Okay, I have to admit this: I don’t really like spending time in the kitchen. So the whole GFCF food thing can really wear on me some days. ‘Cause more and more I’m finding that I just can’t get around making all of my own food. Otherwise I suffer the symptomatic consequences. And while I’m not much of a cook or baker, I still enjoy… love… ADORE bread. And while most GFCF breads are horrible (that’s a rant for another post sometime…), there are a few that are passable. But they’re still all frozen – even the ones I get from my local GFCF bakery. (I must admit I’m lucky to live in a place where there are GFCF bakeries and pizza places… and for that I’m grateful. But it’s a 35 minute drive to the bakery and you have to order 3-4 days in advance and I just never seem to get myself organized enough to do that! But I digress…)

So when I realized that there are state of the art, time saving, automatic bread making machines where you just whisk together wet ingredients, whisk together dry ingredients, throw it in a machine, hit a few buttons and a couple of hours later you could have fresh, hot bread, I not only said “Heck yea! I want that!” but also “Hey, why didn’t I do that sooner?!” I headed right over to my computer to do my comparative shopping. After three hours of pouring over reviews and reading other people’s blogs, I headed over to Amazon and promptly ordered a GF Bread book and a Zojirushi Mini Loaf Bread Machine.

So here’s what I ordered to make my homemade, fresh, hot bread dreams a reality:
Gluten-Free Baking Classics for the Bread Machine by Annalise G. Roberts —

After much online searching, I found only GF Bread cookbook that had anywhere near good reviews. And while it’s not a dedicated GFCF cookbook, it does have a whole chapter of dairy-free options. From what I can tell, there are basically two chapters of recipes: one with dairy and eggs, one without. And it seems like it’s made only for the Zojirushi bread machines – lots of people were upset that fact was not made clear in the title or description.

— Zojirushi Mini Loaf Bread Machine —

Reviews on all the sites I visited seemed to skew towards Zojirushi as being the best brand out there. It seems like it does everything but shop for the ingredients: mixes, kneads, bakes – and it has a timer so you can delay the bake cycle so you can awaken to the wonderful scent of delicious baking bread! And since the seemingly only option for a GFCF Bread cookbook was made for a Zojirushi, I figured it was meant to be. Especially since the Zojirushi website had three GF recipes. :) So I went to the Zojirushi website to find a local dealer. After calling around town to see if anyone had any Zojirushi in stock (and, surprisingly, found two oriental markets that had not bread machines, but Mooshi machines!), found one at a local Crate and Barrel. “Hold it for me!” I was so excited I went right over – but it turned out it was missing some pieces and documentation. Ick. So I ran back home and ordered it from Amazon.

So now — I wait. But because I’m me, it won’t be long: my impatience prompted me to shell out for 2-day shipping instead of taking advantage of the Free Super Saver shipping. :) So when I get my order and check it all out, I’ll report back.

Fresh hot bread, here I come!!!