GFCF Mac and “Cheese”

While my husband is away for a business trip this week, all meals are being dictated by a five-year-old pallet. 😛 So tonight we had some carrots & cucumber slices with hummus (we use Sabra Original. While I like the flavored, I have more success with my DS when it’s a “boring” as possible – meaning nothing mixed in), melon and a new Mac and “Cheese” dish: Road’s End Organics Dairy Free Mac & “Chreese” Alfredo Style. And it was actually very good! After trying so many different “cheese” substitues, it was a very pleasant surprise to find this pleasant, easy dish.

It’s a pale, brown rice elbow macaroni. So it’s a familiar size and shape which made my DS predisposed to give it more of a fair shake. (He often objects to new GFCF dishes on sight because they’re so dissimilar to his familiar faves.) The cheese sauce powder was a bit disconcerting when I poured it into the pot – it’s a light brown, so I thought for sure it wouldn’t fly with the little man. (But in serving it to him, I stacked the decks and put it on a blue plate, rather than our usual white, so it looked less brown and more pale contrasted against the dark rather than white dish.) But I used Rice Dream “milk” (vanilla) and a heaping teaspoon of Earth Balance buttery spread (original) to make the cheese sauce. When the pasta was added to the sauce over a medium heat, the sauce thickened up very nicely and even made a sort of “stringy, cheesy” texture! I was very excited to try it. And I wasn’t disappointed! Both my DS and I agree: it was very tasty!! Yeay! A new easy GFCF staple to add to our dinner rotation.

The supremely allergy-friendly Mac & Chreese states on the side of it’s box that it is: Gluten Free, Soy Free, Soy & Nut Free, No Whey or Casein, No Candida Albicans (I have NO idea what this is… I need to look it up!), Lactose Free, Vegan, No Egg, o Trans Fat, Cerified Organic, Good source of B12, Hig Fiber, No Saturated Fat, Good Source of Folate. Phew!! So, needless to say, it’s officially GFCF. :)
And it’s kid approved! yeay!