Food Lists

Cutting out all Gluten and Dairy is very, very difficult when you first start. It’s everywhere! So I’m going to keep track of all the GFCF things I find so I’ll have a master list – and you can enjoy it too!

Frozen GFCF Treats!!

Last modified on 2010-03-25 02:38:39 GMT. 0 comments. Top.

Oh my gosh!!!!!!! I never thought I could have another treat from the Ice Cream freezer section again. But I was so wrong!!!!!! I found these WONDERFUL coconut, non-dairy, gluten-free frozen treats at the grocery store yesterday.

The brand is So Delicious and the treats I purchased were Coconut Almond Mini Bars. And I must admit I was more than a little dubious about them. Any company that gives itself a name like that is either trying too hard to make up for a poor-tasting product or not terribly creative in the name department. But after I tried them I actually agreed with their self-chosen moniker because they really and truly are SOOOOO delicious!!!!!

I was so very, VERY excited as I sat there rolling my eyes in yummy ecstasy, reveling in the fact that there are actually yummy dairy-free treats out there. And apparently there are a lot more from the same company!! Before I ate the Coconut Almond Bar, I did a quick search to be sure it was GFCF (it says Dairy Free all over the box and the ingredients seemed safe, but I just wanted to be sure about the Gluten). When I got to their site I found that So Delicious is a very, very allergy friendly company. (I don’t know why I was surprise to see this… with an “ice cream” treat that’s not made from milk, their target allergy demographic should have been obvious to me!) But they have a wonderful Allergy ID Chart that lists every product they have and if it’s ingredients include Almond, Coconut, Corn, Dairy, Egg, Gluten, Peanut, Pecan and Soy. They even have downloadable PDFs of their charts by “All”, “Gluten Free” and “Chocolate Free”. Since all their products are Casein Free (no dairy at all in any product at all – how wonderful!), I’m going to download the Gluten Free PDF and stick it in my Evernote app so I can easily view the chart next time I go to the grocery store.

For the first time in three challenging GFCF days I really and truly believe that this can be done again. Thanks So Delicious!!
